Falsettos #4: Doctor Mendel at work



   So... first of all, there are so many nuances of meaning hidden in this piece. Just from the title, you know this song will be a lot more colourful than your average ‘dialogue song’ (I don’t know if there’s a technical word for this type of song, but if that word exists, I certainly don’t know it. *cough* but I can edit the post *cough* *cough*.) “Marvin at the psychiatrist- A three-part mini-opera” is one of the most ingenious pieces I’ve ever heard and I wish I knew how to write something like that. So let’s dive into it. 

Jason opens the song by turning his father’s words into one of the most innocent statements in this whole musical. “My father says that love is the most beautiful thing in the world”. First of all, Marvin wants to reach the idealistic side of love. He thinks that both of his relationships are missing something. He wants to love (just like he loves Whizzer), but he also craves to be loved (just like Trina loved him). Once he has them both, his life will be perfect. He wants to make Jason understand that even though love is crazy, complicated, and painful, it still is the most beautiful thing in the world. But Jason doesn’t see it this way. For him, the most beautiful thing is chess. 



   And this is when chess becomes a very clever allegory for love and relationships. They all see love as a game and they all want to win. This is probably why they take turns in telling the stories and they believe that dominating the others (just like in chess) is the only way they can end up winners. Especially Whizzer and Marvin’s relationship is defined by chess, always wanting to outsmart one another and in fact, love. We’ll meet again with this motif later in the show when chess gains a much bigger meaning. (The games I play; The game of chess...). 

 Right from the start, we see Mendel as the outsider of this family. We discover most of their stories at the same time with him and that turns him into the character who guides us throughout their emotions. The therapy session is broken down into three parts. The first part is about Marvin and Whizzer’s relationship and Marvin is visibly nervous. He taps his leg rapidly as he answers the first question “Do you love him?” with a very sincere “Sorta... Kinda.”. 



   As he doesn’t know how to react and being afraid to be truly outspoken, he finds it difficult to define in specific terms what he’s feeling. Whizzer makes him realise that he is not perfect. He makes him smile and his love for him confuses the heck out of him. “Yes, and spiteful/ But yet it seems that so am I”. And of course, that Mendel has a piece of advice he has to share. “Just enjoy what you can/ 

Love the boy, not the man”. First of all, for the record, I don’t think Mendel is a good Psychiatrist. He is almost useless throughout the whole first act. He constantly tells everyone to ignore their problems, not deal with their issues and just be happy because their life isn’t so bad after all. And also, a quick note, he gets worse later in the song, breaking patient-doctor confidentiality numerous times. Now, going back to Mendel’s spectacular advice, “Just enjoy what you can Love the boy, not the man.”. And this line can have two separate meanings. The first one is referring to Jason and how Marvin should focus on him instead of Whizzer. On the other hand, Mendel is advising him to concentrate more on the things he likes about Whizzer; to love him immaturely (as neither of them seems to grow up), and ignore his flaws; to love the boy not the man. And of course, this scene is Exhibit A of Mendel’s superpowers: (Brandon Uranowitz interview)



    And right after the awkward excessive headshake, Marvin describes Whizzer as “Sorta stylish” and Mendel replaces those words with “kinda... VeRy” ironizing Marvin for his contradictory thoughts and non-committal phrases. This is the moment when “Sorta Kinda” turns into “very, very, very”. The music speed up the rhythm and Marvin is caught off-guard when Mendel says ”When he’s naked...” but he doesn’t have the time to finish his question because his patient just says “Yes.”. ‘It wasn’t even a question, Marvin.’ But he is right on time and ready to answer any question related to that matter. He then shoots rapidly the rest of the responses, taking a small pause before answering the last question “Would he kill you” 




   And then he resumes the very first two questions, finally admitting that his feelings for Whizzer are truthful and he does love him. “But I love him, and I need it/If he loved me, I'd concede it” And now we have one small detail that refers again to Marvin’s inability of accepting his feelings. If Whizzer would tell him that he also loves him, he would finally embrace his feelings without trying to explain them to himself. Once again, Mendel advises him to not “despise what you feel/ Love the friend, not the heel". Both of them can be mean, evil, and manipulative but he should focus on the bright side. He should love the ‘friend’ within Whizzer, not the self-centred, untrustworthy part of him. Exhibit b of Mendel’s superpowers: Brandon Uranowitz interview



   Marvin is clearly confused by his psychiatrist nodding in disagreement and has an “I thought I was doing ok” look on his face. The end of this part is highlighted by Whizzer’s offended frown when he hears being called “smarmy” and that’s how the chaotic second part begins. 

(Note: In this part, I will include more screenshots just because there are a lot of connotations. Enjoy) 

   So... Marvin takes off his jacket as Mendell tells him to explore his ‘core’ and quickly admits that Trina moves him in “unreported ways”. 



   Marvin notices his reactions but brushes of that thought, changing his position to ‘I don’t want to talk about this’ when he turns his back to Mendel and crosses his arms, waiting for some generic questions. Little does he know about what questions are waiting for him😊. 



   The conversation starts with “You said she was withholding” “Right” “Well that’s not quite true” and Marvin startles at the idea of his own words being challenged by an ‘outsider’. “Perhaps she held back love from you” may be a reference to In trousers when Trina tells Marvin “Your mother withheld her love from you dear, I try withholding mine.” as she doesn’t want to be the one who compensates for his mother’s mistakes. Because of everything that’s happening around her, Trina might have come off as vulnerable and in need of love. Mendel finds that very appealing and suddenly Marvin lets go a small knowingly laugh but he’s interrupted by yet another rather inappropriate question “Was she faithful?”. He also demands him to be objective as he actually cares only about Trina and her only. Just like before, Marvin answers quickly without even doubting the “yes”. And hear me out, I love this musical so much because it really shows that love is messy. Marvin knows that Trina was nice, loving, and faithful but he still left her for someone who is the exact opposite. He would have stayed with her if he was truly in love because the one thing he always wanted was that perfect family. But he didn’t love her the way he should and broke that dream he desperately clings on to for someone he truly loves. It hurts him that he didn’t impress her and that he didn’t succeed in reaching that dream. But everything they do is dictated by love. And love is blind. The only thing that he can do is to remain true to himself and that is, for all of us, no matter what we feel or who we love, the hardest thing out there.  

    And as soon as you thought Mendel calmed his drive for knowledge, he hits back with another ‘good old inappropriate question to ask your patient’ “Did she sweat a lot?” breaking doctor-patient confidentiality once more. Marvin is clearly caught off guard by his curiosity and at some point, he even asks “who?” completely confused. Mendel seems to give him an opportunity to escape this awkward situation but then quickly shoots the final and most important question of all “Does she sleep in the nude?”. ‘Great question.’. Marvin locks eyes with him for a second but then denies the possibility of Mendel and Trina having a relationship. 

Note: Brandon Uranowitz’s vibrato needs a standing ovation. I rest my case. 

And as he almost says ‘hate to break it to you’ he responds with the much simpler answer “No”. 



   Then Mendel pulls out of his pocket Trina’s handkerchief and waves it just to accentuate his obsession.?(I don’t know if ‘obsession’ is the right word but it probably is). Marvin brushes off once again the possibility of an actual relationship and is ironically surprised when he hears “Tell me, what is going on with you?”. 

   As part three begins, Marvin changes once again his position seemingly tired. Unlike the first two parts we see both sides of the story, Jason intertwining with his own point of view, the two of them completing each other sentences giving away different meanings. Their current relationship is the exact opposite of what they actually want. Marvin tries too hard to maintain the ‘nothing is wrong, we are a perfect family’ mask and it obviously backfires. Jason sees what’s really going on and he calls his father “snide”. Marvin states that he’s “convalescing” just like a person after who recovers from a bad illness and he is rather dramatic giving the fact that he caused all of this. He doesn’t know what to do and he’s distressed because he doesn’t seem to succeed in having a much-coveted good relationship with his son.  



   Now, when Jason says “I love my mother” and Marvin completes with “why not me?”, I believe he implies two different things. The first one is why doesn’t seem Jason to love him just like he loves Trina, and to that, I say ‘because he just wants to feel like he matters and someone is actually caring about him and not pretending to be okay all the time just to please the expectation’; But it can also refer at Marvin constant question: ‘Why am I different?’. Throughout the whole act one, we see him struggling with his internalized homophobia and his desire of being just like anyone else and living the dream. In time, he learns how to accept and love himself and I think that’s what makes Marvin such a complex character. He plays with the audience's feelings for him. You can’t deny his bad actions and attitude, but at the same time you relate to him, you feel his struggle and want him to realise that he is enough just the way he is. And he ultimately understands that through his relationship with his son. Marvin focuses more on the façade rather than on the things that really matter and he gets lost in those little details. On the other hand, I kinda agree with Marvin when he’s annoyed over everyone blaming him for everything. Yes, he’s the one who started things, but it’s not like he is the root of every single bad thing happening in their lives. 



   Mendel is unrecognisably quiet all throughout this part probably realising the stakes. This isn’t about another romantic relationship anymore. It’s about a father and a son who risk losing each other if they don’t work it out soon. It’s an emotional bond they both crave but don’t know how to repair it. Marvin closes by asking for Mendel’s advice for the first time but he doesn’t get a real answer since this is something he has to figure out on his own. Jason ends the scene just like he started it may be referring to how ineffective this session was and how things remained completely the same. Marvin has to find the solution on his own.  

   And I can’t express how satisfying it is to watch Mendel’s notebook as it closes in perfect timing with the last note. It was so much fun writing it and I’m so glad I finally got to discuss this song. I hope you enjoyed reading my essay, and if you did, share it with your friends and on your social media. And if you want to work with me on these essays don’t hesitate to email me at lavieboheme126@gmail.com. Also, if you want to do a podcast together about a movie or just art in general, leave a comment down below with your email or email me directly. Thank you again for reading, see ya next time. 



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