When you receive a letter...

Inspiration comes in a closed envelope. You don’t know when you’re going to receive it. Sometimes you are waiting for it impatiently, trying to find different ways to get it faster. Quite often you fall asleep while trying your best to rush things. But sometimes, it just appears out of the blue. There’s no explanation, no information what so ever. So you choose just to stand uncomfortably and try to solve the mystery. Maybe it was something that you saw in the past and now, that intriguing memory wants to grow, to become something more intricate. Maybe someone said something that hit you stronger than you thought. Or maybe you finally found the key to unlock an infinite number of ideas. You don’t know what happened. The only certain thing is that the envelope came from a very special place. It’s a love letter from your heart to your mind. A love letter full of happiness and confidence. Full of joy and excitement. A letter full o hope. 
And now you have it. But the envelope is still closed. It's a thought that you possess but not quite hold. Although... it feels a little bit more real every time you look at it. Maybe you don’t have to open it. Maybe it doesn’t contain something that worths the struggle. Maybe you’ll be disappointed. Maybe it will ruin all your projects. But maybe it will bring you joy. Maybe it will help you rebuild your long lost confidence. If you leave the envelope unopened you are a quitter. A person who is afraid of their confidence. You can’t give up. Not this time. You are strong. You can face the abstract side of your imagination. You can handle a new story with a common ending. 
You open the envelope. A warm feeling surrounds all your thoughts. Nothing is for sure. And that’s what makes you powerful. You can’t make order out of chaos. But if you have an unique idea you can use the chaos to develop it. The envelope is now opened. Inside, it’s a blank piece of paper. No instructions, no information. Just a blank piece of paper ready to become chaotic. Now you can escape from the commonness. 
I don’t know the end of your story. That’s alright. I’m sure you don’t know it either. 



  1. I absolutely love it! The way you write is amazing. Thank you


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